Anti-human T Lymphocyte Rabbit Immunoglobulin Evaluation Service

Anti-human T Lymphocyte Rabbit Immunoglobulin Evaluation Service

Dive Deep into Anti-human T Lymphocyte Rabbit Immunoglobulin with Precision and Clarity

Based on a strong team of technical talents, CD BioGlyco has rich experience in analyzing and evaluating Pharmaceutical and Biological. We provide professional Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biological Evaluation, and Pharmaceutical Excipient Analysis according to the characteristics of different samples. Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin is made from the serum of rabbits immunized with human T-lymphocytes, which is lyophilized after purification, concentration, and inactivation.

  • Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin bulk and final bulk evaluation
    • Content test
      • For bulk, we provide protein content analysis by biuret method.
      • For the final bulk, we provide protein content analysis by the Kjeldahl method.
    • Purity test
      • We offer our clients fast and accurate purity testing by agarose gel electrophoresis and cellulose acetate film electrophoresis.
    • Antibody test
      • Anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinin test: After diluting the protein content to 5 g/L using sodium chloride solution, we use the Coombs test to determine the anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinins in the samples. Notably, the negative control, positive control, and erythrocyte control are performed in parallel with the donor test.
      • Human platelet antibody test: Based on the property that platelets agglutinate upon binding to platelet antibodies, we determine the human platelet antibody potency in the test samples by comparing the endpoints of the agglutination reaction.
      • Human plasma protein antibody test: We use a double immunodiffusion to test the specificity of the test article.
    • Pyrogen test and sterility test
      • Our team provides professional pyrogen test and sterility test services. Our researchers offer a complete pyrogen test service including rabbit screening, feeding, injection, and observation.
    • Valency test
      • Our team provides lymphocytotoxicity test or erythrocyte rosettes assay to determine the anti-human T-cell immunoglobulin potency.
  • Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin final product evaluation
    In addition to the above tests, we also provide the following variety of finished product evaluation services:
    • Basic test
      • pH test
      • Purity test
      • Osmolatity test
      • Reconstitution time test
      • Moisture test
      • Visible particulate test
      • Abnormal toxicity test
    • Quick identification
      Our team uses immune electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion assay to quickly identify.
    • Content test
      In addition to the determination of protein content, the finished product also requires the determination of maltose content and ammonium sulfate residues.
      • Maltose: Our team uses high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to accurately analyze the maltose content of the samples.
      • Ammonium sulfate: Our team determines the ammonium sulfate residues using an acid titration method.
    • Molecular size distribution
      • Our team uses size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to determine the molecular size distribution of anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin.
    • Exogenous virus contamination test
      • Our team uses animal virus-sensitive cells (e.g., BHK21) and adds anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin to conduct exogenous virus contamination tests. Cell growth is observed after 3 consecutive blind passages.

Schematic diagram of anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin evaluation tools. (CD BioGlyco)

Publication Data

Technology: Single-cell sequencing, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Microtiter plate reader, Flow cytometry

Journal: Frontiers in Immunology

Published: 2023

IF: 7.3

Results: In this study, researchers analyzed the binding capacity and regulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) by porcine anti-human lymphocyte immunoglobulin (pALG), rabbit anti-human thymocyte immunoglobulin (rATG) and basiliximab. The results showed that pALG showed high affinity and specific binding to PBMCs. Notably, its binding was weaker than that of rATG but slightly stronger than that of baliximab. Single-cell sequencing analysis revealed that pALG mainly affects T cells and innate immune cells. Serum inflammatory cytokines (IL-2, IL-6) were only moderately increased compared to rATG.

Fig.1 Analysis of changes in immune cell subsets after transplantation.Fig.1 Recipients' immune cell populations after kidney transplantation. (Zhang, et al., 2023)

Applications of Anti-human T Lymphocyte Rabbit Immunoglobulin Evaluation

  • Comprehensive anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin evaluation contributes to the development of new human immunoglobulin formulations.
  • Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin evaluation provides a good reference for other anti-human T Lymphocyte immunoglobulin such as anti-human T lymphocyte porcine immunoglobulin.
  • Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin evaluation plays a key role in the development of selective immunosuppressants.
  • Anti-human T lymphocyte rabbit immunoglobulin evaluation promotes the evaluation and development of TCM generation dynamics in organ transplantation.

Advantages of Us

  • CD BioGlyco provides a wide range of immunoglobulin evaluation services, such as human hepatitis B immunoglobulin evaluation service, human rabies immunoglobulin evaluation service, human tetanus immunoglobulin evaluation service, and human immunoglobulin evaluation service.
  • For sterility tests, we have specialized facilities and instruments to help researchers complete the test quickly.

CD BioGlyco provides reliable and satisfactory biological evaluation programs to our clients all over the world. We are committed to being the best partner in pharmaceutical and biological analysis. Don't hesitate to contact us for help or guidance.


  1. Zhang, L.; et al. Porcine anti-human lymphocyte immunoglobulin depletes the lymphocyte population to promote successful kidney transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023, 14: 1124790.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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