Glyconanotechnology-based Lectin Sensor Development Service

Glyconanotechnology-based Lectin Sensor Development Service


Relying on a professional GlycoNano™ Platform, CD BioGlyco provides high-quality Glyconanotechnology-based Biosensor Development services. A lectin sensor utilizes a specific lectin as a sensitive element detector and converts changes in physical and chemical quantities generated on the detector into a signal. Our lectin sensor development services are designed to provide clients with one-stop solutions from design to performance testing to meet the needs for highly sensitive and specific assays in disease diagnostics, biological research, and drug development.

Designing a Lectin Sensor Just for You

Taking full advantage of biosensing technology and nanotechnology, our company provides lectin sensors with high sensitivity, ultra-high selectivity, and stability through the study of the immobilization of biomolecules at the sensing interface and the conversion of biorecognition signals.

Sensor Synthesis

Our company offers comprehensive sensor synthesis services including the preparation of electrode materials, modification of electrode surfaces, immobilization of biometric elements, construction of sensing layers, encapsulation, and bonding. Our researchers use carbon-based materials or metal oxides to prepare electrode materials. Moreover, in constructing sensing layers, we use multilayered structures such as signal amplification layers and electron-mediated layers to enhance signal conversion.

Surface Modification

For synthetic sensors, we offer specialized surface modification services including chemical oxidation passivation, heat treatment, surface activation, drying, incubation, and washing services. Importantly, we judge the optimal oxidation conditions by Fourier transform infrared spectral (FTIR) analysis. Moreover, we offer a wide range of lectin resources for surface modification for different applications.

Schematic of sensor modification. (CD BioGlyco)


  • We provide structural, pore size, and surface topography characterization services by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). We provide porosity, refractive index, and thickness analysis services for porous layers.
  • Our researchers provide specialized biosensing measurements and capture performance evaluation.


Schematic of lectin sensor development. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Glyconanotechnology-based lectin sensors can be used for label-free real-time optical detection of bacteria.
  • Glyconanotechnology-based lectin sensor is a potential tool for distinguishing between tumor and non-tumor cells.
  • Glyconanotechnology-based lectin sensors can be used to detect changes in cell surface carbohydrates.

Advantages of Us

  • Our researchers have extensive experience in the design and synthesis of click chemistry lectin sensors to meet the different synthesis needs of our clients.
  • Our company provides optimized incubation and washing conditions for different lectins.
  • Our team of researchers with backgrounds in glycobiology and nanomaterials ensures high-quality lectin sensor development services for our clients.

Publication Data

Technology: Reflectance interference Fourier transform spectroscopy (RIFTS), FE-SEM

Journal: Scientific Reports

Published: 2020

IF: 3.8

Results: In this study, researchers proposed a porous silicon (PSi)-based biosensor that utilizes lectins as biometric elements for real-time detection by the RIFTS technique. The researchers selected three lectins concanavalin A (ConA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UeA) with different glycan specificities for modifying the porous silicon surface. The study successfully developed a lectin-based porous silicon biosensor for real-time, label-free bacterial detection. The sensor has comparable performance to antibody-modified biosensors, but the lectin is more stable.

Fig.1 Field emission scanning electron microscopy analysis of PSi.Fig.1 FE-SEM images of PSi. (Yaghoubi, et al., 2020)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do lectin sensors remain stable during storage and use?
    Lectin sensors typically need to be stored at low temperatures and under dry conditions to maintain their biological activity. In addition, the use of appropriate protective agents and encapsulation materials can help improve the stability of the sensor. The lectin sensors offered by our company are obtained through a standardized preparation and testing process with excellent repeatability and reproducibility.
  • Can the lectin sensor be used for many different glycoconjugate and bacterial assays?
    The versatility and generalization of lectin sensors depend on the binding properties of the lectin used. Certain lectins have broader glycan specificity and recognize a wide range of glycan structures. Different lectin sensors can be used for the identification of specific bacteria or multiple bacteria. For example, ConA can be used for the identification of bacteria such as Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, sulfate-reducing bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus mutans, Salmonella Typhi, etc.

Combining advanced synthesis and characterization techniques, CD BioGlyco provides specialized glyconanotechnology-based lectin sensor development services. Our highly specific and high-affinity lectin sensors provide our clients with a powerful tool to explore and exploit the role of multiple targets in biology. Feel free to contact us anytime.


  1. Yaghoubi, M.; et al. A lectin-coupled porous silicon-based biosensor: label-free optical detection of bacteria in a real-time mode. Sci Rep. 2020,10(1): 16017.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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