Heparin Sulfate Microarray

Heparin Sulfate Microarray

Heparin sulfate (HS) can interact with proteins and other molecules that affect many biological processes. At CD BioGlyco, researchers have developed microarrays of multiple HS structures to help clients identify specific binding interactions between various HP and their potential protein partners.


HS is a sulfated unbranched polysaccharide found on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix that regulates a wide range of physiological and pathophysiological processes. Variations in HS sulfation and epimerization provide great structural diversity that is thought to underlie protein binding and regulatory properties. Due to the ubiquity and multifunctionality of HS, the study of the binding roles of such glycans is important for understanding how to combat related diseases.

The specific binding motifs for HS interactions have not been extensively characterized. Glycan microarray technology has been developed to efficiently probe the interactions between glycans and their ligands while requiring relatively small amounts of samples. In addition, advances in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of HS have enabled the production of specific HS structures, providing the basis for the development of microarrays of multiple chemoenzymatically synthesized HS structures to explore the interactions of various types of HS.

Fig. 1 Preparation of HS microarray using N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) modified nexterion slide.Fig.1 Preparation of HS microarray using N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) modified nexterion slide. (Maurice, 2021)

Our Services

CD BioGlyco is dedicated to developing technology for combining chemoenzymatic synthesis with microarray techniques to determine the specific HS sequences required for binding to proteins. We developed a methodology to prepare large numbers of differentially sulfated HS oligosaccharides via a modular approach, providing an unprecedented library of multiple HS oligosaccharides for the development of microarrays. HS microarrays are used to detect the ligand requirements of many HS-binding proteins and the data allow the selection of compounds that interfere with biological processes such as growth factor-induced cell proliferation and explore the role of changes in cell surface HS composition in regulating protein function.


  • Application in uncovering the possible existence of HS code
  • Pathological study on HS related diseases
  • Screening for compounds that interfere in biological processes
  • Systematic evaluation of carbohydrate-protein interactions

Advantages of Us

  • Professionalism and innovation
  • Multiple samples can be detected simultaneously
  • Consistency and reliability of results

CD BioGlyco has expanded microarray technology in recent years to provide a dedicated research platform for characterizing HS interactions. We have extensive experience in microarray services and we are confident to be your partner in the field of glycobiology. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Maurice, H.; et al. Construction of heparan sulfate microarray for investigating the binding of specific saccharide sequences to proteins. Glycobiology. 2021, 31(3):188-199.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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