Modulating Chemical Composition and Physical Parameters of Glycocalyx

Modulating Chemical Composition and Physical Parameters of Glycocalyx

You Reliably Partner for Explore the Secrets of Glycocalyx

The glycocalyx is located on the surface of external cells. It enhances integrin signaling through mechanical interactions between bulk carbohydrates and transmembrane proteins. CD BioGlyco provides mechanistic research services on cell surface remodeling and integrin signaling with the help of lipid-anchored glycocalyxes. Integrins are receptors that influence cancer cell growth, invasion, and migration. We provide our clients with a convenient service to systematically modulate the chemical composition and physical parameters of glycocalyxes through De Novo Glycan Display.

Modulating Chemical Composition and Physical Parameters of Glycocalyx at CD BioGlyco

The expression of the glycan and glycoproteins determines the physical parameters of the glycocalyx. At CD BioGlyco, our research team has developed a model containing integrins, extracellular matrix, cell membrane, and glycocalyx to provide detailed testing services.

  • Gene expression microarrays

We provide a gene expression testing service for glycocalyx protein products. The association effect of gene products with the glycocalyx is analyzed based on the extracellular domain structure of the protein and the number of glycosylation sites.

  • Design and synthesis of the glycoprotein mimics

We provide integrin polymerization and adhesion assembly services. Meanwhile, we provide the analysis service of the glycoprotein-driven integrin assembly influencing factors. Our synthesis team has extensive experience in synthesizing and designing glycoprotein mimics and then inserting them into the plasma membrane quickly and accurately. Glycoprotein mimics include backbone, protein structural domains, phospholipids, and fluorescent moieties. Depending on the client's needs, our researchers recommend the most suitable synthetic route.

We use scanning angle interference microscopy (SAIM) to determine the nanoscale spatial characteristics of the cell-ecm interface. In addition, we analyze the physical interaction between glycoprotein mimics and integrin receptors.

  • Other services
  • Test for kinetic coupling of integrins with glycoproteins service: time-lapse imaging.
  • Diffusion trajectory tracking service: single particle tracking light activation localization microscopy (sptPALM) to determine the location of mobile (limited and free diffusion) and matrix binding, and immobilization.
  • Force interaction testing services: protein imaged with SAIM detect compression or mechanical bending phenomenon near integrin adhesion contacts.
  • We provide induced conformational changes, gene expression profiling, and immunofluorescence analysis services.

Fig.1 Schematic representation of the assembly and analysis service of the glycocalyx. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Schematic representation of the assembly and analysis service of the glycocalyx. (CD BioGlyco)


Paper Title: The cancer glycocalyx mechanically primes integrin-mediated growth and survival

Technology: Fluorescence micrograph, Fluorescence imaging, Fluorescence resonance energy transfer

Journal: Nature

Published: 2014

IF: 69.504

Results: In this study, various mucin glycocalyxes were synthesized and bound to phospholipid tails, which were then inserted into the cell membrane of breast epithelial cells. Malignant tumors are closely related to the expression of cellular glycocalyx. By specific structural characterization of glycocalyxes, it turned out that the expression of many glycocalyxes was upregulated in metastatic tumors. To test this hypothesis, researchers bound synthetic mucin-like glycocalyxes of different lengths to phospholipid tails and inserted them into the cell membranes of mammary epithelial cells. Clinical data suggest that glycocalyxes promote integrin adhesion by attracting active integrins and modulate integrin status by modifying the matrix.

Fig.2 The cancer glycocalyx drives integrin clustering. (Paszek, et al., 2014)Fig.2 The cancer glycocalyx drives integrin clustering. (Paszek, et al., 2014)


  • Changes in the physical parameters of the glycocalyx affect the organization and function of integrins, providing new targets in the growth and identification studies of malignant tumors.
  • The glycocalyx and its molecular composition are effective research targets for normalizing the transmembrane receptor signaling pathway.
  • The glycocalyx is involved in and affects the occurrence and transfer of multiple biological processes at the plasma membrane.

Advantages of Us

  • We have a professional Glycan Display Platform to help clients solve all the problems encountered in the glycan display.
  • In the glycoprotein mimic assembly, we provide diverse phospholipids and fluorescent groups to meet the needs of our clients.

CD BioGlyco has provided glycan-biomolecular interaction analysis services to clients for many years. Our talent team quickly receives critical information and gives feedback from our clients. If you are interested in our service, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Paszek, MJ.; et al. The cancer glycocalyx mechanically primes integrin-mediated growth and survival. Nature. 2014, 511(7509): 319-25.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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