Glycomics Profiling with Microarray

Glycomics Profiling with Microarray

CD BioGlyco is committed to providing microarray-based glycobiological analysis solutions for global customers in the field of microarrays. We have cooperated with many scientific research institutions, universities, companies and non-clinical research organizations to complete a large number of glycan and glycan modification analysis projects.

Glycomics Microarray Screening Services

Glycomics (the functional study of carbohydrates in organisms) has become one of the key research areas of current biological research. Glycans are prominently displayed on the surface of cell membranes and exposed areas of macromolecules in body fluids. At the same time, the influence of glycosylation modification on protein function has further promoted glycomics research in biomedicine. In particular, protein glycosylation is related to a wide range of basic biological processes, including protein folding and intracellular transport, inflammation, tumor cell metastasis, viral and bacterial infections, and immunity. Therefore, understanding the interaction of glycans and other biomolecules is very important for obtaining valuable information about intercellular signaling pathways and developing effective biomedical preparations. Glycans are the most complex and heterogeneous biomolecules. Changes in glycan structure not only give glycans a huge amount of information but also hinder our understanding of the relationship between glycan structure and function. So far, various biophysical and biochemical techniques have been used to separate and analyze the biological relevance of glycans and glycan-related interaction processes. For example, liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry are commonly used to separate and classify glycans. The development of microarrays has also opened up new ideas for high-throughput analysis of glycans.

Complexity and diversity of mammalian glycome. (Gupta G, et al. 2010) Fig 1. Complexity and diversity of mammalian glycome. (Gupta G, et al. 2010)

The basic process of our glycomics microarray service includes experimental protocol submission, microarray production, sample testing, data harvesting, and analysis report submission. Our glycomic microarray service is a customized microarray detection service. The design of the scheme includes the customization of glycan microarray, antibody microarray, and lectin microarray. After the customer confirms the customization details, the microarray printing platform will make the microarray. During this period, samples from customers are received and pre-processing and quality inspections are carried out. Then through our microarray is the experimental platform for hybridization and scanning. Finally, our bioinformatics team will analyze and mine the collected data. Our glycomic analysis microarray service provides a series of antibody microarrays, glycan microarrays and lectin microarrays for quantitative analysis. We will return the trust of customers with excellent product quality, and provide customers all over the world with the most satisfactory products and services.

Glycomics microarray screening service process. - CD BioGlyco Fig 2. Glycomics microarray screening service process.

Available Services

Key Points Description
Phyto-glycan Screening The abundant structural heterogeneity and diversity of polysaccharides in plant cell walls affect the development of this resource and hinder the research on the role of some polysaccharide epitopes in crop physiology and pathology. Our microarray-based glycan screening method is Comprehensive Microarray Polymer Profiling (CoMPP), which is a method suitable for tracking glycan changes in complex biological systems and providing a global overview of cell wall composition.
Microbe-focused Glycan Screening Studying the natural host ligands of microorganisms and understanding their pathogenicity and infectivity has become one of the goals of functional glycomics. The interaction between glycan-binding protein (GBP) and its carbohydrate ligand is the basis of all aspects of life. Glycan arrays are excellent tools for microbial glycan-binding analysis. The synthetic glycan microarray used by our microbial glycan microarray screening service completes the analysis and testing.
Mammalian Glycan Screening Glycan microarrays have greatly changed the specific analysis methods of animal carbohydrate-binding proteins. The data information obtained in this way can simultaneously clarify the biology mediated by the corresponding sugar group and decode the information of the sugar group itself. Our mammalian glycan analysis is designed to help researchers with related needs through this service.
Glycoproteomics Screening Microarray-based analysis methods are of great help in studying the relationship between glycans, proteins, and glycoproteins. Our glycoproteomics service provides a series of lectin arrays, glycan arrays, and antibody arrays to analyze glycoprotein-related projects, including quantitative determination, modification analysis, and interaction analysis.
Lectin Microarray Services The lectin microarray consists of a set of lectins with unique glycan-binding properties printed on a solid support. The emergence of high-throughput glycomics technology enables lectin microarrays to simultaneously observe a variety of unique binding interactions, becoming the main method for studying glycosylation of the entire sample. Our microarray detection platform based on lectin microarray technology provides lectin conjugate analysis services.

CD BioGlyco provides high-quality commercial, customized and semi-customized microarray products and analysis&testing services based on microarray products. Our microarray test platform has well-equipped laboratories and a team of highly qualified scientists, and we look forward to cooperating with customers all over the world. We have comprehensive design and production capabilities, and can provide a broad and comprehensive combination of laboratory and manufacturing services. If you are interested in our products and services, please contact us for more details


  1. Gupta G, Surolia A, Sampathkumar S G. Lectin microarrays for glycomic analysis[J]. Omics: a journal of integrative biology, 2010, 14(4): 419-436.
  2. Gao J, Ma L, Liu D, et al. Microarray-based technology for glycomics analysis[J]. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening, 2012, 15(1): 90-99.
  3. Cummings R D, Pierce J M. The challenge and promise of glycomics[J]. Chemistry & biology, 2014, 21(1): 1-15.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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