Rhamnose Analysis Service

Rhamnose Analysis Service

Rhamnose Metabolism Pathway

L-rhamnose is a common component of bacterial polysaccharides in many bacterial cell walls, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), exopolysaccharide (EPS), capsular polysaccharide (CPS), etc. L-rhamnose is also found in viruses, fungi, plants, and lower animals, but its presence has not been found in humans and other mammals. The metabolic pathways of L-rhamnose have been characterized in a variety of bacteria, including E. coli. The two pathways are the phosphorylation pathway found in bacteria and the non-phosphorylation pathway found in bacteria and yeast.

Fig.1 Reconstruction of the L-rhamnose utilization pathway in bacteria.Fig.1 Reconstruction of the L-rhamnose utilization pathway in bacteria. (Rodionova, et al., 2013)

Rhamnose Analysis Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco has developed several technologies for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of monosaccharides in samples. Our monosaccharide analysis package contains 13 substances, as shown in Table 1. For compounds that are not in the detection service package, we will develop corresponding detection methods (liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, etc.) according to client needs.

Tab.1 Standard list of monosaccharide packages.

NO. Name Abbreviation CAS#
1 Fucose Fuc 99-20-7
2 Arabinose Ara 147-81-9
3 Galactose Gal 59-23-4
4 Glucose Glc 50-99-7
5 Xylose Xyl 58-86-6
6 Mannose Man 69-65-8
7 Fructose Fru 7660-25-5
8 Ribose Rib 50-69-1
9 Rhamnose Rha 10030-85-0
10 Galacturonic acid Gal-UA 6037-45-2
11 Glucuronic acid Glc-UA 6556-12-3
12 Mannuronic acid Man-UA 6814-36-4
13 Guluronic acid Gul-UA 15769-56-9
  • Qualitative analysis

Chromatographic qualification is mainly determined based on the retention time of the target compound on the analytical column. When the elution conditions are determined, different compounds have different retention capabilities on the analytical column, and there are also many differences in elution times. We first separate different compounds through an analytical column and then use UV detectors, evaporative light detectors, differential detectors, electrochemical detectors, conductivity detectors, and other means to detect. The target compound is determined by peak time, but the interference of impurities is not completely ruled out.

Fig.2 Examples of chromatograms for standards and samples. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.2 Examples of chromatograms for standards and samples. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Quantitative analysis

Quantification mainly uses standards of different concentrations, with the concentration of the standard as the abscissa and the peak area of the standard as the ordinate. Plot the concentration-peak area curve of the standard, and then calculate the concentration of the corresponding compound in the unknown sample based on its peak area.

Tab.2 Summary of standard curve information.

NO. Standard Peak Time Slope Goodness of Fit
1 Fuc 3.484 0.1355 0.99073
2 Ara 7.667 0.1441 0.99016
3 Gal 9.742 0.1546 0.99263
4 Glc 11.192 0.1915 0.99478
5 Xyl 13.267 0.1865 0.99098
6 Man 13.942 0.1636 0.99443
7 Fru 15.950 0.0784 0.99458
8 Rib 17.459 0.1284 0.99423
9 Rha 7.267 0.1076 0.99678
10 Gal-UA 34.209 0.0589 0.99762
11 Glc-UA 36.817 0.1045 0.99759
12 Man-UA 39.000 0.0437 0.99836
13 Gul-UA 35.034 0.0610 0.99786

Rhamnose is a common monosaccharide. We use the monosaccharide analysis package to conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of rhamnose present in plants, lower animals, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. If our analytical methods do not meet your needs, we also develop specific assays based on your needs.


  • Determine the rhamnose content in samples of bacteria, fungi, plants, etc.
  • Study the metabolic utilization pathways of rhamnose in microorganisms to evaluate its biological functions.
  • Rhamnose-containing compounds (RCCs) have potential functions in vaccine, antitumor, and antibacterial drug development.
  • Study rhamnose catabolism pathways and regulonomics in bacteria.

Advantages of Us

  • We perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of a variety of Monosaccharides using different techniques, such as liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry.
  • Our detection solution of the monosaccharide analysis package has been improved and verified many times and has received great praise.
  • If our analytical methods do not meet your specific needs, we will develop new methods for you.
  • We handle many types of samples such as plants, bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.

CD BioGlyco has developed a complete solution for Carbohydrate Metabolism Analysis. We are committed to providing comprehensive, reliable, and accurate analysis services, suitable for many fields such as medicine, pharmacy, and agriculture. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Rodionova, I.A.; et al. Comparative genomics and functional analysis of rhamnose catabolic pathways and regulons in bacteria. Frontiers in microbiology. 2013, 4: 407.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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