Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material for Microarrays

Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material for Microarrays


With breakthroughs in the chemical synthesis and chemical modification of polysaccharides, glycomics research has also developed rapidly. The developed carbohydrate universal microarray technology provides a screening platform and a potential tool for analyzing the interactions between polysaccharides and different kinds of proteins. CD BioGlyco has been working on the preparation of different types of complex polysaccharide-based degradable materials to develop microarrays as a versatile screening platform and potential future diagnostic tool.

Applications of Polysaccharide Microarrays

Microarrays have underpinned the development of multiplexed analysis and are a powerful tool for high-throughput analysis. Using microarray technology, it is possible to use very small amounts of analytes to simultaneously assess the abundance and interactions of a large number of molecules. Large progress has been made in the development of DNA and protein microarrays, however, they have failed to address glycosylation issues. Carbohydrate and polysaccharide microarrays, as emerging technologies, have the potential to replace DNA and protein microarrays for effective glycan structure and function studies as well as high-throughput studies of protein-polysaccharide binding events.

Polysaccharide microarray technology has been widely used to analyze glycosylation changes in complex biological samples. Today, this application has rapidly expanded to enable the successful identification of selective interactions between polysaccharides and proteins, viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotic cells. In polysaccharide microarrays, polysaccharides are isolated directly from organisms or chemically synthesized. In recent years, this technology has advanced considerably in terms of immobilization methods, surface treatment, and high-throughput detection.

Fluorescence images of microarrays fabricated by the immobilization of AMF-CMC conjugates on solid cellulose.Fig.1 Fluorescence images of microarrays fabricated by the immobilization of AMF-CMC conjugates on solid cellulose. (Mohan, et al., 2012)

Development Services for Polysaccharide-based Microarrays at CD BioGlyco

Our researchers focus on Applications of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials including polysaccharide microarrays. The key to polysaccharide microarray preparation is the appropriate method of immobilizing polysaccharide molecules on solid-phase carriers, which relies heavily on the development of materials chemistry. With extensive experience in chemical synthesis and histology, we offer customized services for polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials development and microarray analysis.

  • Creation of polysaccharide libraries
    We help our clients prepare different polysaccharide-based materials by chemical synthesis and biosynthesis to build polysaccharide libraries.
  • Immobilization of samples
    There are two ways to immobilize polysaccharides in microarrays. Covalent immobilization is based on the formation of covalent bonds through chemical reactions between polysaccharides and the carrier, while non-covalent immobilization is based on adsorption between polysaccharides and the solid phase carrier. We offer a variety of surface modification and immobilization methods to our clients. For example, we immobilized functional molecules conjugated carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) onto cellulose surfaces, which not only offers the possibility of introducing novel properties onto various cellulose materials but also can be used not only as a general method for microarrays and other sensor surfaces.
  • Labeling detection and data processing
    Our labeling methods are mainly fluorescent and radiolabeling, and detection methods rely on mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography.

CD BioGlyco has long collaborated with pioneering teams in the field of glycoscience to explore the potential of rapid carbohydrate-based assays as a diagnostic tool. Our progress in Carbohydrate-based Degradable Materials Development has accelerated the further development of polysaccharide-based microarray technology.

If you are interested in our development services for polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials for microarrays, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Mohan, T.; et al. Functional polysaccharide conjugates for the preparation of microarrays. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2012, 4(5): 2743-2751.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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