GPI Anchor Inhibitor Development Service

GPI Anchor Inhibitor Development Service

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) Anchor Inhibitor Development Service at CD BioGlyco

GPI anchor is a glycolipid modification, which is used to anchor proteins to cell membranes. Its biosynthesis is a complex multi-step process involving the participation of multiple enzymes and organelles.

  • GPI precursor synthesis: The synthesis of GPI anchor starts from the cytoplasm. The fatty acid chain and ethanolamine group are combined with the nucleic acid sugar skeleton through an enzymatic reaction to form a GPI precursor.
  • GPI anchor clearance: The synthesis of the GPI anchor continues in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and GPI transamidase cleaves the connection between the GPI precursor and the protein to release the GPI anchor-modified protein.
  • Glycosylation modification: The released GPI anchor-modified protein enters the Golgi apparatus and completes glycosylation modification under the action of a series of glycosyltransferases.
  • Insertion into the cell membrane: The modified GPI anchor protein reaches the cell membrane through the Golgi lysosome pathway and fixes the protein on the cell membrane.

The synthesis pathway of GPI anchors is used as a target to study various disease mechanisms. CD BioGlyco has many years of rich research experience in the field of GPI-anchored proteins. We provide excellent GPI anchor inhibitor development services, including dolichol-P-mannose inhibitor, GlcNAc de-N-acetylase inhibitor, mannosyltransferase inhibitor, and GPI-phosphoethanolamine transferase inhibitor.

  • Target identification service

Target identification of GPI anchors is the process of discovering enzymes or proteins that regulate the biosynthetic process of GPI anchors. CD BioGlyco uses powerful databases and research experiments to screen enzymes or other substances related to the GPI anchor biosynthetic process and determine targets suitable for the development of GPI anchor inhibitors.

  • Inhibitor screening and evaluation service

CD BioGlyco uses a variety of high-throughput screening technologies to screen and evaluate GPI anchor inhibitors.

    • Virtual screening: We use computational chemistry methods, such as molecular docking and pharmacophore screening, to prioritize candidate GPI anchor inhibitors with potential activity from known compound libraries or virtual libraries. Virtual screening predicts the interaction between molecules and targets by combining the structures of known GPI anchor-related enzymes.
    • Enzyme activity assay: We use appropriate enzyme activity assays to evaluate whether compounds inhibit the activity of GPI anchor-related enzymes. For example, in vitro enzyme activity, substrate metabolism analysis experiments, etc.
    • Cell function screening: We apply candidate GPI anchor inhibitors to a variety of cell models to study their effects on GPI anchor biosynthesis.
    • Design based on structure-activity relationship: We analyze the structure and functions of enzymes in the GPI anchor biosynthesis process, combine known active compounds, and design potential GPI anchor inhibitors for specific enzymes.
  • Inhibitor production service

CD BioGlyco provides mature production for screened GPI anchor inhibitors.

    • Inhibitor synthesis: Based on the existing structural information of GPI anchor inhibitors, we design appropriate synthesis process routes and provide efficient GPI anchor inhibitor synthesis service.
    • Purification and separation: We purify and separate the synthesized GPI anchor inhibitor through column chromatography, liquid chromatography, and other technologies to obtain high-purity target compounds.
    • Structural characterization: We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), and infrared spectroscopy (IR) to identify and confirm the structure of the synthesized GPI anchor inhibitors.
    • Mass production: In addition, we also provide mass production for GPI anchor inhibitors to meet the needs of clients for commercialization or research purposes.

Fig.1 GPI anchor inhibitor development service. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 GPI anchor inhibitor development service. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Cancer research: By developing GPI anchor inhibitors, GPI-anchored proteins on the surface of tumor cells are targeted to inhibit their role in tumor growth, metastasis, and drug resistance.
  • Parasitic infection research: Certain parasites rely on the presence and functions of GPI-anchored proteins to invade host cells. Developing GPI anchor inhibitors interferes with the interaction between parasites and host cells, thereby providing new anti-parasitic infection strategies.
  • Apoptosis regulation: GPI-Anchored proteins are involved in the apoptosis regulation mechanism. Developing GPI anchor inhibitors interferes with the functions of GPI-anchored proteins and regulates the process of apoptosis, which has potential applications in the research of various diseases.


  • Strong R&D capabilities: CD BioGlyco has the experimental technology and resources required to conduct GPI anchor inhibitor research. We have a variety of cell experiments, animal models, and in vitro evaluation technologies to support the development of GPI anchor inhibitors.
  • Preclinical research capabilities: CD BioGlyco conducts preclinical research, including pharmacokinetics, toxicology evaluation, and biodistribution, which helps to understand the pharmacodynamics and safety of candidate GPI anchor inhibitors and provides support for clinical translation.
  • Project management capabilities: CD BioGlyco has effective project management capabilities, we plan and execute GPI anchor inhibitor development projects and deliver high-quality research results on time. At the same time, maintain close communication with clients to ensure the realization of project goals.

CD BioGlyco has developed an advanced Glycosylation Inhibitor Development solution. We use high-throughput screening, protein engineering, gene editing, and other technologies to fully support all stages of GPI anchor inhibitor development. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to acquire more service details.


  1. Brown, J.R.; et al. Glycan antagonists and inhibitors: a fount for drug discovery. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2007, 42(6): 481-515.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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