High-Throughput Glycan Screening Using a DNA Sequencer

High-Throughput Glycan Screening Using a DNA Sequencer

Principle of DNA Sequencer in High-Throughput Glycan Screening

DNA sequencer allows the determination of the sequence of DNA. It converts the base order of a DNA strand into a readable digital sequence by chemically treating it. A DNA sequencer obtains fragments of glycans by appropriate treatment and enzymatic digestion of the glycans and converts them into DNA sequence data so that the screening of glycans can be accomplished. The data reveal the sequence information, modification patterns, and composition of glycans. Moreover, the DNA sequencer is equipped with efficient data processing and analysis capabilities, which greatly accelerate the speed of data interpretation and provide detailed reports of results, thus achieving rapid, accurate, and comprehensive analysis of glycans.

Workflow scheme for high-throughput plant N-glycan.Fig.1 Workflow scheme for high-throughput plant N-glycan. (Lee, et al., 2009)

DNA Sequencer-based High-Throughput Glycan Screening Service at CD BioGlyco

High-throughput analysis technology allows large-scale glycan samples to be sequenced simultaneously, allowing rapid and accurate determination of base sequences of DNA samples with a high degree of automation. CD BioGlyco offers DNA sequencer-based High-Throughput Glycan Screening Services, including high-throughput glycan composition analysis, glycan modification analysis, glycan structure characterization, etc. Our service flow is as follows:

1) Purification of samples to remove potential interfering substances.

2) By reacting with hydroxyl or amine groups on the glycan chain, the 8-amino-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic (APTS) label is introduced and the glycans are labeled as APTS-labeled glycans, which are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and bind to the appropriate DNA label. This is accomplished by reacting with the amino groups on the glycan strand, or by using enzyme-catalyzed introduction of a transferase linking the DNA tag into the glycan strand.

3) Amplification of labeled samples using PCR to increase the number of DNA tags so that sufficient signal can be obtained in subsequent sequencing steps.

4) The PCR-amplified samples are placed in a DNA sequencer. Sequencing data were analyzed using computational methods and software specifically designed to identify and quantify the type and relative abundance of glycans that have been attached to DNA tags.

DNA sequencer-based high-throughput glycan screening.Fig.2 DNA sequencer-based high-throughput glycan screening. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Glycosylation analysis
  • Studying glycans and their interactions with proteins
  • Research on the pathogenesis of diabetes and other metabolic diseases

Advantages of Us

  • More complex analyses can be performed in conjunction with other technologies
  • Efficient communication and excellent project management
  • Timely problem-solving and solution-providing

CD BioGlyco provides clients with high-throughput glycan screening services. We also combine other technologies according to the needs of our clients to provide more in-depth data analysis. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Lee, K.J.; et al. High-throughput quantitative analysis of plant N-glycan using a DNA sequencer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2009, 380(2): 223-229.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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