Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material for Tissue Engineering

Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material for Tissue Engineering


Polysaccharide-based biomaterials have proven to have promising applications in tissue engineering fields such as bone/chondral regeneration, cardiac regeneration, nerve regeneration, and skin regeneration. CD BioGlyco is dedicated to helping clients design and manufacture more novel and sophisticated polysaccharide-based biodegradable scaffolds or devices with customized architectures produced by various manufacturing methods for biomedical applications.

Advantages of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material in Tissue Engineering

Biomaterials in tissue engineering are a special class of substances used for implantation into the human body to replace or repair human tissues and organs. As an important natural extracellular matrix component, polysaccharides have important prospects for application in tissue engineering scaffolds. Materials composed of natural polysaccharides, glycopolymers, and supramolecular glycopeptides offer the possibility to mimic extracellular matrix functions. On the one hand, scaffold materials can influence cellular behavior by mechanotransduction; on the other hand, the biochemically induced functions of different polysaccharides can induce direct or indirect interactions between the materials and cells.

The use of polysaccharide-based biomaterials in tissue engineering has grown rapidly in recent decades. Many studies have shown that polysaccharides are promising biomaterials for cartilage, bone, heart, and skin repair and other areas of tissue engineering. The most common form of these natural polymers is biological scaffolds. Most of the polysaccharides used in tissue engineering applications function in the form of hydrogels. Among them, nanoscale polysaccharide materials have attracted increasing attention, such as cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), starch nanocrystals (SNC), and electrospun composite nanofibers.

Schematic diagram of different processes involved in the field of tissue engineering to develop a scaffold ready for implantation.Fig.1 Schematic diagram of different processes involved in the field of tissue engineering to develop a scaffold ready for implantation. (Pushpamalar, et al., 2016)

Development Services of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials for Tissue Engineering at CD BioGlyco

Polysaccharide-based biomaterials have become a useful platform for tissue engineering applications. Our researchers focus on the chemical properties, biological properties, and different cross-linking mechanisms of various carbohydrates such as cellulose, dextran, agarose, starch, chitosan, alginate, hyaluronic acid (HA), and chondroitin sulfate (CoS) to develop a variety of Carbohydrate-based Biodegradable Materials. We help clients prepare a variety of scaffold types for various tissue engineering applications, including but not limited to:

  • Tissue engineering (General)
    Components Scaffolds
    Alginate, Silk fibroin Hydrogels
    Chitosan, Cysteine, RGD peptide 3D porous scaffolds
    Chitosan, Sodium alginate, Titanium oxide NPs Nanocomposites
    Cellulose, Gelatin 3D scaffolds
    Cellulose Hydrogels
    Dextran, Bovine serum albumin (BSA) Nanofibers
  • Skin tissue engineering
    Components Scaffolds
    Sodium alginate, Fibrinogen  Sponge
    Alginate, Collagen, Chitooligosaccharides Sponge
    Chitosan, Gelatin Hydrogels
    Cellulose, Gelatin 3D scaffolds
  • Bone tissue engineering
    Components Scaffolds
    Alginate, Gelatin PVA Nanofibers
    Chitosan Hydrogels
    Alginate, Chitosan Hydrogels
    Cellulose, Hydroxyapatite Nanofibers
    Cellulose, Collagen Nanocomposites
    Cellulose, Hydroxyapatite Nanofibers
    Dextran, Glass-ceramic Hydrogels
  • Cartilage tissue engineering
    Components Scaffolds
    Carboxymethyl chitosan, Sodium alginate Hydrogels
    Alginate, Collagen 3D scaffolds
    Chitosan Porous scaffolds
    Chitosan,Poly(glutamic acid), Albumin, Elastin, Poly-l-lysine 3D Scaffolds

CD BioGlyco focuses on the development of emerging manufacturing technologies to control the stable production of polysaccharide-related biomaterials, offering the possibility of developing promising clinical products in various areas of tissue engineering. Our researchers have extensive expertise in the Modification of Biodegradable Polysaccharides and Applications of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials to provide you with professional scientific services in the field of polysaccharide-based biomaterials.

If you are interested in our development services for polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials for tissue engineering, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Pushpamalar, J.; et al. Biodegradable polysaccharides for controlled drug delivery. ChemPlusChem. 2016, 81(6): 504-514.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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