Examining the Effects of Altering Blood Group Antigens on Erythrocyte Cell Surfaces

Examining the Effects of Altering Blood Group Antigens on Erythrocyte Cell Surfaces

Discover More Information about Blood Group Antigens on Erythrocyte Cell Surfaces

Glycolipids are composed of carbohydrate complexes and have the natural ability to insert into red blood cell membranes. It is anchored to the outer lipid membrane of erythrocytes via their dual lipid tails. Glycolipids have the natural ability to insert into red blood cell membranes. Based on De Novo Glycan Display, CD BioGlyco has developed a series of synthetic glycolipids for modifying erythrocytes. These synthetic glycolipids are determinants in the expression of carbohydrate blood groups. Furthermore, we change the blood group antigens (O-, A-, and B-type antigens) to analyze the changes in the red blood cell surface.

Fig.1 Schematic diagrams of a natural blood group glycolipid. (Frame, et al., 2007)Fig.1 Schematic diagrams of a natural blood group glycolipid. (Frame, et al., 2007)

In immune responses, blood group antigens play a key role at the cell membrane. Thus, systematic analysis of changes in cell surface antigens is highly essential. At CD BioGlyco, we mainly provide these services:

  • Synthetic glycolipid modification of red blood cells
  • Our professional synthesis team helps clients customize the synthesis of glycolipid. We provide molecular structure design, synthesis and characterization, and bioactivity validation services.
  • We co-incubate synthetic glycolipids containing different antigen types with O-type red blood cells to insert glycolipids into the cell membranes. After incubation, the modified cells are washed several times. We examine the diluted concentration of synthetic glycolipids in solution and provide antigen expression detection services in cells.
  • Serologic testing and fluorescein red blood cells
  • Our investigators use multiple monoclonal antibodies to evaluate the modified cells. We provide services for red blood cell agglutination experiments, complement binding experiments, protein detection, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent test (ELISA) with luminescent substances and fluorescein labels. In addition, we also provide immunohistochemistry, co-immunoprecipitation, and immunological imprinting services.
  • Convert blood group
  • We provide other immunogenic removal services to transform blood groups including enzymatic therapy, gene editing, and chemical modification.

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of altering blood group antigens on erythrocyte cell surfaces. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.2 Schematic diagram of altering blood group antigens on erythrocyte cell surfaces. (CD BioGlyco)


Paper Title: Synthetic glycolipid modification of red blood cell membranes

Technology: Serologic testing, Fluorescein modification, Fluorescence microscope

Journal: Transfusion

Published: 2007

Results: In this study, blood group glycolipid analogs A and B were synthesized and successfully inserted on the surface of red blood cells (RBC). These synthetic molecules stabilize and modify the cell surface through carbohydrate blood group antigens. The analytical results showed that the modified cells successfully displayed artificial glycolipids A and B, and detected strong immune specificity in both anti-A and anti-B antibodies. In summary, erythrocytes can be directional expression by the insertion of synthetic glycolipids.

Fig.3 RBCs stained with SYN-fluorescein show an even distribution of SYN molecules in the cell membrane. (Frame, et al., 2007)Fig.3 RBCs stained with SYN-fluorescein show an even distribution of SYN molecules in the cell membrane. (Frame, et al., 2007)

Applications of Examining the Effects of Altering Blood Group Antigens on Erythrocyte Cell Surfaces

  • Regulating and reorganizing the architecture of cell-surface glycolipids provides a powerful tool for elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying cell membrane-mediated signaling events and their downstream cellular consequences.
  • Modified red blood cells can be used in transfusion medical research and are new targets for selective development and research of cell surface engineering.
  • Antigen-protected red blood cells maintain the normal physiological structure and function of the original red blood cells. Antigen-protected red blood cells avoid agglutination caused by blood group mismatch, and thus effectively replace RBCs in the case of RBCs with insufficient blood supply.

Advantages of Us

  • Our operators strictly control the time and temperature of incubation to ensure providing high-quality service.
  • We have a professional Glycan Display Platform to provide clients with comprehensive and highly efficient services.

CD BioGlyco has an experienced talent team for our clients with comprehensive de novo glycan display services. De novo glycan display has a key role in controlling biological responses. Please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Frame, T.; et al. Synthetic glycolipid modification of red blood cell membranes. Transfusion. 2007, 47(5): 876-82.
  2. Griffin, M.E.; Hsieh-Wilson, L.C. Glycan engineering for cell and developmental biology. Cell Chem Biol. 2016, 23(1): 108-121.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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