Strategies for Glycogene Editing

Strategies for Glycogene Editing

Characterization of Glycogene Editing

With the development of techniques for gene editing, precise, stable, and systematic genetic editing provides opportunities for the study and development of glycans in biomedicine. Cellular glycosylation has brought the study of glycans to the single-cell level. Cells can be stacked with multiple gene knockout binding knock-ins (KIs) to achieve virtually any desired design for cellular glycosylation capacity, such as overexpression and silencing of glycosyltransferase (GT) and other metabolic enzymes, transporters, and hydrolases in mammalian cells. However, GT overexpression leads to significant glycosylation disruption, and gene silencing using RNA interference strategies often results in limited and variable reductions in enzyme levels, with uncertain effects on glycosylation outcomes. Today, glycoengineering with precise genome editing technologies overcomes these problems and enables stable genetic changes in the cellular glycosylation machinery, bringing new tools to the field of glycomics.

Overview of glycoengineering strategies.Fig.1 Overview of glycoengineering strategies. (Narimatsu, et al., 2021)

Strategies for Glycogene Editing at CD BioGlyco

Glycogene editing is used in molecular and cancer drug research for potential new biomarkers in many diseases. CD BioGlyco provides a lot of strategies for gene editing. We apply different technologies to target the integration or deletion of single genes or multi-loci, analyzing the target genome's specific sequences. Then, design appropriate single guide RNA (sgRNAs), validate amplification, and construct vectors. At last, demonstrate successful construction through sequencing analysis, and perform the transformation. We have many years of experience in gene editing services and have relative solutions to difficulties. Such as the efficiency of the sensory state or the possible off-target phenomenon of the system in vivo, we offer solutions that include improving the transformation efficiency of electroshock, improving the transformation efficiency of plasmid, or choosing to synthesize the fragments in vitro. Thus, it is essential to develop gene editing strategies that are as precise as possible.

Glycogene Knockout

Glycogene knockouts include complete knockouts and conditional knockouts. With the help of various gene editing tools and different novel knockout technologies, CD BioGlyco provides fast and accurate glycogene knockout services.

Glycogene Knock-in

Glycogene knock-in is a technology that introduces or replaces exogenous functional genes into a specific genome site and obtains stable cell expression. CD BioGlyco provides site-directed and stable introduction services for target genes.

Glycogene Knockdown

Glycogene knockdown is the reduction of the expression level of a target gene in a cell or organism by methods such as RNA interference (RNAi). CD BioGlyco provides comprehensive and high-quality glycogene knockdown services based on different vectors.

Glycogene Tagging

Glycogene tagging is a gene of known function or known sequence that acts as a specific marker. Based on Kit, fluorescent labeling, and small molecule tagging genes, CD BioGlyco provides efficient glycogene tagging services.

Glycogene Overexpression

Glycogene overexpression is achieved by modifying the upstream elements that regulate the target gene through a variety of techniques. CD BioGlyco provides accurate and reliable glycogene overexpression services with three kinds of overexpression modes.


  • These strategies are suitable for editing multiple-locus genes.
  • Strategies for glycogene editing are used to study its metabolic regulation and construct new metabolic pathways.
  • It is used in gene function research, developmental biology research, gene transformation of animals and plants, and even microorganisms and molecular breeding.
  • Strategies for glycogene editing are used for genetic modification and improvements in a variety of animals and even applied to gene editing in human cells.

Advantages of Us

  • Our professional talent team provides customized gene editing solutions for clients according to their editing requirements.
  • Our gene editing services have the advantage of high efficiency, with single gene insertion and knockout efficiency approaching 100%.

CD BioGlyco has a first-class Glycogenomics Platform and a professional scientific team to customize the entire process for clients. It is fruitful to use these resources to study the binding properties of glycan-binding proteins and glycogen gene editing. Our services have been recognized by many national scientists. If you are interested in our glycogene editing strategies services, please feel free to contact us for more information.


  1. Narimatsu, Y.; et al. Genetic glycoengineering in mammalian cells. J Biol Chem. 2021, 296: 100448-100473.
  2. Yates, L.E.; et al. Glyco-recoded Escherichia coli: recombineering-based genome editing of native polysaccharide biosynthesis gene clusters. Metabolic Engineering. 2019, 53: 59-68.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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