Lectin Purification Service

Lectin Purification Service

Lectin Purification Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco has launched a wide range of Lectin Products and Lectin Production Services. All of them have become increasingly important tools in the field of molecular and cell biology for studying Glycoproteins and Carbohydrates. Here, high-quality purification is achieved by utilizing in-house products and Lectin Columns along with our experience and know-how in lectin purification.

Lectins are isolated directly from natural sources such as animals, plants, and fungi. Depending on the type of sample to be processed, it may often be necessary to pretreat the sample with large amounts of organic solvents or acids. After obtaining a crude extract, the lectin is precipitated using ethanol or ammonium sulfate, and then centrifuged to separate the non-target protein fraction of the sample. The collected extracts are then purified using different techniques.

CD BioGlyco adopts gel-filtration chromatography because of its effective separation and high yield.

CD BioGlyco provides ion exchange chromatography-based lectin purification service according to detailed requirements.

CD BioGlyco uses affinity chromatography to reduce volume faster and reliably purify lectin samples.

CD BioGlyco uses hydrophobic chromatography to separate lectins, which are separated based on differences in surface hydrophobicity.

Fig.1 Lectin purification steps. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Lectin purification steps. (CD BioGlyco)


Technology: Gel Chromatography

Journal: Polymers

IF: 4.231

Published: 2019

Results: In this study, a combination of gel filtration chromatography and an aqueous two-phase system were used to purify the lectins extracted from Zihua snap bean seeds. The purification results showed two peaks on the elution curve. Peak 1 corresponded to the solution with agglutination activity. A single lectin product was successfully obtained after two-step purification.

Fig.2 Gel chromatography of lectin extracted by an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) on Sephadex G-75. (Jiang, et al., 2019)Fig.2 Gel chromatography of lectin extracted by an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) on Sephadex G-75. (Jiang, et al., 2019)


  • Lectins recognize and bind sugar conjugates or free carbohydrates on cell membranes in a specific and reversible manner.
  • Lectins are used in a wide variety of pharmacological and industrial applications.
  • The specificity of lectin is used as a tool applied to influence and explore the complex glycans of biological systems.
  • Purified lectins are used to study the binding of influenza viruses to human and animal tissues, the use of lectins as markers for cancer prognosis and diagnosis, and pathogen infections.


  • Our service is accumulated experience, know-how, and excellent equipment.
  • We supply high-purity compounds with the service of quick and high credibility.
  • We have accumulated experiences and know-how of separation/purification.

CD BioGlyco supports our clients in the purification of lectins using a variety of optimized purification techniques. We optimize our methods based on our customers' experimental goals and desired purity. Please feel free to contact us for any chromatographic purification needed during lectin production.


  1. Jiang, B.; et al. Two-step isolation, purification, and characterization of lectin from Zihua snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds. Polymers. 2019, 11(5): 785.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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