Strategies for High-Throughput Glycan Screening

Strategies for High-Throughput Glycan Screening

Significance of High-Throughput Glycan Screening

High-throughput glycan screening is a rapid and efficient method for analyzing a large number of glycan structures. These screening strategies are aimed at identifying specific glycan-protein interactions, understanding glycan function, and developing glycan-based drugs. Strategies for high-throughput glycan screening include glycan microarrays, mass spectrometry (MS), and glycolproteomics, which allow for the simultaneous analysis of binding affinities, structural features, and glycosylation patterns of a wide range of glycan structures. This provides important insights into the roles of glycan structures in a variety of biological processes and disease states. Through high-throughput screening (HTS), glycan structures or glycoprotein interactions associated with specific diseases can be identified, thus helping to discover new disease markers. Researchers would be able to accelerate the discovery of novel glycan targets, thus advancing our understanding of glycan biology and the application of glycans in biotechnology and medicine.

High-Throughput Glycan Screening Strategies at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco provides one-stop high-throughput (HT) glycan services, our strategies include but are not limited to:

Advantages of Us

  • One-stop solution for high-throughput glycan screening
  • High-sensitivity and resolution
  • A team of experienced scientists


  • Drug target or drug carrier in drug research
  • Protein glycosylation
  • Modification of enzyme properties

CD BioGlyco provides glycan HTS services based on a variety of strategies to help our client quickly and accurately screen glycan molecules with specific functions. We are committed to providing customized solutions to meet the needs of our clients in the fields of biomedicine, materials science, and bioengineering. If our services appeal to you, please feel free to contact us for additional information or details.


  1. Primack, J.; et al. A high-throughput microchip-based glycan screening assay for antibody cell culture samples. Electrophoresis. 2011, 32(10): 1129-32.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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