Zinc Gluconate Analysis Service

Zinc Gluconate Analysis Service

Unlocking the Power of Zinc Gluconate with Expert Analysis

Zinc gluconate is a safe and effective zinc supplement. Zinc gluconate supplementation regulates the growth and reproduction of intestinal flora, maintains intestinal integrity, and improves immunity. CD BioGlyco has a well-established analytical system and staff with operational experience to provide satisfactory Pharmaceutical analysis services to our clients. We provide analysis of zinc gluconate in various forms such as zinc gluconate oral solution, zinc gluconate tablets, and zinc gluconate granules. In addition, we also provide other gluconate analysis services including Ferrous GIuconate, Calcium Gluconate, Chlorhexidine Gluconate, and Copper Gluconate.

  • Basic analysis
    Equipped with professional staff and advanced tools, we provide rapid identification services and a range of basic tests.
    • Identification: We rapidly identify zinc gluconate by adding drops of ferric chloride to the solution to be tested and observing its color. Moreover, we analyze the difference between the sample and standard spectra by infrared absorption spectroscopy.
    • Basic test: we provide the following multiple testing services:
      • Pondus hydrogen
      • Reducing substance
      • Loss on drying
      • Relative density
      • Lead salt
      • Cadmium salt
      • Arsenic salt
      • Dissolution rate
      • Sulfate
      • Oxalate
      • Chloride
  • Content analysis
    • Zinc: We provide zinc determination services in zinc gluconate by flame atomic absorption spectrometry or liquid cathode glow discharge-atomic emission spectrometry. Under stable conditions, our operators test the standard series and incremental series according to the concentration from low to high and record the absorbance values.
    • Potassium sorbate: It is of great significance to control the use content of potassium sorbate and ensure its safety of use. We mainly determine the content of potassium sorbate in zinc gluconate by Raman spectrometry, fluorescence spectrometry, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of zinc gluconate analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of zinc gluconate analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)

Publication Data

Technology: Dose titration, Histological staining, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

Objective: Safety evaluation of the zinc gluconate animal models

Journal: BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Published: 2024

Results: In this work, researchers used a modified Coriolis to calculate the LD50 of zinc gluconate in mice injected intravenously into the tail vein, which was shown to be 39.6 mg/kg. The safety of zinc gluconate in mice was also tested through multiple sub-lethal doses (SLD) experiments. A meta-analysis of several randomized controlled trials showed that high oral doses had no significant effect on serum zinc levels compared to the normal group.

Fig.2 Histological analysis of the spleen 48 h after different doses of zinc gluconate i. v. (Wang, et al., 2024)Fig.2 Histological analysis of the spleen 48 h after different doses of zinc gluconate i.v. (Wang, et al., 2024)

CD BioGlyco has many years of experience in Pharmaceutical and Biological Analysis. Our technical team rationally plans the project according to the pharmaceutical characteristics and rapidly promotes the project development with high efficiency. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions about zinc gluconate analysis.


  1. Wang, Y.; et al. Determination of the median lethal dose of zinc gluconate in mice and safety evaluation. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2024, 25(1): 15.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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