Cell Surface O-glycan Glycoengineering Service

Cell Surface O-glycan Glycoengineering Service

Significance of Cell Surface Engineering

Cell surface engineering presents compelling opportunities to modulate various cellular functions, including cell differentiation, proliferation, cell-cell adhesion, communication, and immune detection. This field offers a powerful tool for unraveling the molecular mechanisms behind the functions performed by specific biomolecules. Moreover, it holds potential applications in cell therapy by targeting therapeutic cells to specific tissues, endowing cells with novel functionalities such as recruiting/restoring protein binding, directing cell signaling, and controlling stem cell differentiation, as well as influencing immune cell responses toward cancer cells. Genetic techniques such as gene deletion, knockdown, or overexpression provide controlled and inducible means to manipulate target proteins.

The two major forms of protein glycosylation found in eukaryotes are N-linked and O-linked, designated by their glycosidic linkage to the corresponding amino acid. There are diverse types of O-glycan shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1 O-glycan core structures and key sialoglycoforms. (Thompson & Wakarchuk, 2022)Fig.1 O-glycan core structures and key sialoglycoforms. (Thompson & Wakarchuk, 2022)

Cell Surface O-glycan Glycoengineering Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco possesses an advanced Glycoengineering Platform to provide O-glycan glycoengineering service. We offer a wide range of specialized services for studying various types of O-glycans, such as core-1, core-2, core-3, core-4, sTn-type, and sialyl-T antigen-type O-glycans. This enables clients to explore different aspects of O-glycan biology and glycosylation-related research.




  • Our services are specifically designed to address the deficiency of specific enzymes or chaperones, such as C2GnTs and COSMC chaperones. This targeted approach helps clients investigate the role of these components in O-glycan formation and function, providing valuable insights into glycosylation processes.
  • We have established tumor cell lines that exhibit the expression of specific O-glycans. It is invaluable for conducting therapeutic research to explore the impact of O-glycans in cancer biology and developing targeted treatments.
  • We are actively involved in developing new approaches and techniques for studying O-glycans, such as GT gene modification and O-GlcNAcylation analysis. These advancements contribute to the advancement of glycosylation research and provide clients with innovative tools for their studies.

As a leader in the field of glycoengineering, CD BioGlyco excels in offering cutting-edge solutions. We have a professional research team with enormous knowledge to provide comprehensive Cell Surface Glycoengineering Service to meet client's requirements. If you have any inquiries or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Thompson, N.; Wakarchuk, W. O-glycosylation and its role in therapeutic proteins. Bioscience Reports. 2022, 42(10): BSR20220094.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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