Iberis Amara Lectin Production Service

Iberis Amara Lectin Production Service

Iberis amara Lectin Production Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco is committed to providing clients with a complete Lectin Production Service. Lectin is a protein that recognizes specific carbohydrates. In addition to its blood coagulation properties, it has a wide range of applications in immunology, such as detecting specific red blood cell antigens. Currently, researchers have isolated lectins from various plants, including soybean, that recognize different blood group antigens. I. amara also contains a lectin. It is anti-M specific. In order to meet the needs of immunohematology and other fields of research, we provide a one-stop I. amara lectin production service.

Fig.1 Process of I. amara lectin production. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Process of I. amara lectin production. (CD BioGlyco)

  • I. amara lectin production service

Based on the reported extraction methods and our extensive experience in Plant Lectin Production, we use salt extraction to produce I. amara lectin. I. amara seeds are used as raw material and ground. After that, the crude extract is obtained by salt extraction. Then we precipitate it with ammonium sulfate. Finally, the crude I. amara lectin products are obtained by dialysis.

I. amara lectin physicochemical property test also plays an important role in its application research. We also provide I. amara lectin physicochemical property testing service. Amino acid fractions, molecular weight, sugar-binding specificity, etc., are accomplished.

  • I. amara lectin products

Thanks to our excellent competence in lectin production, we increase the yield of I. amara lectin to a certain extent. We offer high-quality I. amara Lectin Crude.

Applications of I. amara Lectin Production

  • Our I. amara lectin is used for applied research in biotechnology tools such as affinity chromatography.
  • Our I. amara lectin has an important role in immunohematology and is used to recognize M blood group antigens.
  • Our I. amara lectin is used in immunochemistry, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and so on.

Advantages of Us

  • Our technical representatives and researchers utilize their rich expertise to help our clients' I. amara lectin production.
  • With rigorous workmanship and a commitment to on-time delivery, we excel in our I. amara lectin production services.

CD BioGlyco is fully committed to realizing our business philosophy of creating value for our clients. The breadth and depth of our research has given us an excellent ability to meet the needs of different kinds of lectin production. In addition to I. amara lectin, we also offer Galanthus nivalis Lectin, Hibiscus mutabilis Seed Lectin, and other production services. Please feel free to contact us for more information about I. amara lectin production and more. Our technical and sales staff will get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Gorakshakar, A.C.; Ghosh, K. Use of lectins in immunohematology. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2016, 10(1): 12-21.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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