α-Mannose-binding Lectin Production Service

α-Mannose-binding Lectin Production Service

α-Mannose-binding Lectin Production Service at CD BioGlyco

With extensive experience and expertise, CD BioGlyco offers significant record speed in Lectin expression and bulk production. We offer one-stop α-mannan-binding Lectin Purification service using our advanced lectin expression platform technologies.

  • α-Mannose-binding Lectin

α-Mannose-binding lectin is a lectin that binds specificity toward terminal α-mannose. Lectins with specificity towards α-mannose-binding are various.

Fig.1 The molecular structure of mannose-binding lectin. (Takahashi, 2023)Fig.1 The molecular structure of mannose-binding lectin. (Takahashi, 2023)

  • Gene Synthesis
  • We only need the sequence information or the Uniprot/NCBI reference number of the target lectin. Besides, if you already have the plasmid, we use the supplied template DNA or the expression-ready construct.
  • Vector Construction and Large-Scale Plasmid Preparation
  • Construction of high-efficiency expression vectors
  • Lectin Expression and Purification

Small-scale lectin production to assess the feasibility and yield of the protein expression and purification.

  • Large-scale Production
  • Scale-up production according to the pilot study, provides bulk-purified lectins.
  • QC Analysis
  • Lectin Concentration Determination
    • Bradford assay
  • Activity Evaluation
    • Haemagglutination assay
  • Molecular Weight Determination
    • Sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
    • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Structure Characterization
    • Mass spectrometry (MS)
    • Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)
    • MALDI coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS)
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
    • Ultraviolet (UV)
  • Production scales: from milligrams to grams

Fig.2 Steps for lectin production services. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.2 Steps for lectin production services. (CD BioGlyco)


Development of microarrays

Lectin microarrays are used for determining the glycan composition from a complex mixture.

Be engineered to express tags

His-tagged RPLs incorporate anti-tag antibodies into experimental protocols.

Biolayer interferometry (BLI)

RPLs have also been used for real-time monitoring of biomolecular interactions.

Healing applications

RPLs have been used to monitor disease progression, help guide the development of personalized treatments and as biomarkers for diagnosing specific health conditions.


Superior specificity

RPLs each bind a single glycan epitope, giving them improved specificity over plant-derived lectins.

Consistent batch-to-batch performance

RPLs have greater experimental reproducibility.

Simple, high-throughput and large-scale production

RPLs have high purity and scalable production.

CD BioGlyco offers in the development and production of recombinant lectins for the biopharmaceutical, research & diagnostics, cosmetics, and food industries. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we support your recombinant lectin production goals.


  1. Takahashi, K. Mannose-binding lectin and the balance between immune protection and complication. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy. 2011, 9(12): 1179-1190.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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