Viscum album Lectin Production Service

Viscum album Lectin Production Service

Viscum album Lectin (VAA) Production Services at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco is a state-of-the-art lectin production company that offers a full range of Lectin Production Services to clients around the world. Examples include Plant Llectins. Moreover, Several related Lectin Products have been prepared. In the production of VAA, we have the services of extraction, isolation, purification, and characterization.

  • Extraction purification services
    • Extraction separation
      Firstly, We crush the mistletoe and extract it using a specific organic solution. Secondly, the crude VAA is obtained by filtration, concentration, secondary extraction, and centrifugation.
    • Purification
      VAA crude is dissolved in a buffer and eluted several times in an Affinity Chromatography Column using different buffers, respectively. Collect the elution peaks containing lectin, undergo dialysis, and freeze-drying to obtain high-purity VAA.

Flowchart of VAA isolation and purification. Fig.1 Flowchart of VAA isolation and purification. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Properties test services
    • Agglutination activity and sugar-binding properties
      Since lectin agglutinates blood erythrocytes, at the same time sugar reduces the hemagglutination ability of lectin. Therefore, we use the hemagglutination experiment and hemagglutination inhibition experiment to test the coagulant activity and sugar-binding ability of VAA respectively.
    • Molecular weight and structure
      We utilize sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and mass spectrometry (MS) to detect the molecular weight as well as the subunit structure of VAA. This method effectively shows each protein band of the lectin under test. In addition, we offer molecular replacement techniques to resolve the crystal structure of the lectin.
    • Cytotoxicity
      VAA is cytotoxic and we utilize cytotoxicity experiments to detect its toxicity to different cells.
    • Metal ion binding properties
      VAA is dissolved in saline as a buffer and after dialysis, centrifugation, and other operations. Different metal ion solutions are added to it separately and the hemagglutination activity is detected using hemagglutination assay.

VAA property testing services. (CD BioGlyco). Fig.2 VAA property testing services. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Technology: Lectin hexagonal crystals are cultured and tested for their structure and properties using the hanging-drop vapor-phase diffusion method.
  • Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
  • Published: 2018
  • Results: The authors grew X-ray hexagonal crystals to fit the VAA I/4-N-furfuryl cytosine complex within four days at 294 K using the hanging-drop gas-phase diffusion method. Collected diffraction data had a resolution of up to 2.85 Å. The ligand affinity was verified by intra-computer docking. The high-resolution structure was subsequently improved to specifically analyze the active site conformation and binding epitope of 4-N-furyl cytosine. The unique electron density of the active site was interpreted as a single 4-N-furfuryl cytosine molecule. Site-specific binding of 4-N-furfuryl cytosine was also achieved by hydrophobic interactions involving Tyr76A, Tyr115A, Glu165A, and Leu157A of the VAA-1A chain. It was also calculated that the binding energy of 4-N-furfuryl cytosine to the active site of VAA was 6.03 kcal/mol-1.


  • VAA has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of many tumor cells. Therefore, it is used in the development of anti-tumor drugs.
  • VAA is used to regulate humoral immunity, cellular immunity, cytokines, and other physiological processes.

Advantages of Us

  • We provide our clients with a full range of lectin production services including extraction, isolation, purification, and qualitative and quantitative testing.
  • Our service team has a wealth of knowledge, not only to provide clients with production services but also to provide clients with detailed report interpretation services.
  • Our products undergo rigorous quality testing to ensure that they meet the needs of our clients' scientific research.

CD BioGlyco is a specialized glycobiology company dedicated to helping our clients solve their challenges in glycobiology research. With a strong resource platform, we provide custom lectin production services to our clients. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Ahmad, M.S.; et al. Crystal structure of mistletoe lectin I (ML-I) from Viscum album in complex with 4-N-Furfurylcytosine at 2.85 Å resolution. Medicinal Chemistry. 2018, 14(8): 754-763.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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