Bioactive Compounds

Bioactive Compounds

Bioactive compounds are a series of substances that displays potential properties in diverse physiological processes. Generally, animals, plants, and microorganisms are the main sources of partial bioactive compounds. These bioactive compounds are also produced by chemical or biotechnological synthesis. They show a wide range of physiological properties and are essential in the research focus areas such as cancer, stem cell, neuronal signaling, and immunity. CD BioGlyco is the world's leading supplier of bioactive compounds. We provide plenty of high-quality bioactive compound products for global clients to investigate their effects in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and cosmetics industries.

Cat. No. Product Name Inquiry
X22-05-ZQ188 Cauloside F
X22-05-ZQ189 Cratoxylone
X22-05-ZQ190 Methylswertianin
X22-05-ZQ191 Kahweol
X22-05-ZQ192 Laetanine
X22-05-ZQ193 Voacamine
X22-05-ZQ194 4-p-Menthan-1,8-diol
X22-05-ZQ195 Argireline acetate
X22-05-ZQ196 Denudatine
X22-05-ZQ197 Hederoside D2
X22-05-ZQ198 Mogroside IIA2
X22-05-ZQ199 Mogroside IIIe
X22-05-ZQ200 Wilfordine
X22-05-ZQ201 Wilfortrine
X22-05-ZQ202 Wilfornine A
X22-05-ZQ203 Isoforskolin
X22-05-ZQ204 Segetalin B
X22-05-ZQ205 Ginsenoside Rh3
X22-05-ZQ206 Gensenoside Rh7
X22-05-ZQ207 Ginsenoside F3

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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