Influenza A Virus Vaccine Development Service

Influenza A Virus Vaccine Development Service

Glycoproteins and Their Functions in Influenza A Virus

Influenza A virus contains two main viral proteins on its surface: neuraminidase (NA) and haemagglutinin (HA). It also contains the ion channel protein M2 on its surface. The main function of HA is to bind to the sialic acid receptor on the surface of the host cell membrane and help the viral envelope to fuse with the host cell membrane. The main function of NA is to mediate the release of nascent viral particles assembled in the host cell by cleavage of the sialic acid moiety in the glycoproteins. Both HA and NA play key roles in virus-receptor binding. Vaccination is a terrific preventive measure against influenza. Currently, influenza vaccines are mainly inactivated, live attenuated, and recombinant vaccines. HA and NA recombinant glycoprotein vaccines are a hot research topic and have good immunogenicity. It is found that the chimeric HA (cHA) vaccine elicits broadly protective CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses.

Fig.1 The structure of influenza A virus. ( Fig.1 The structure of influenza A virus. (Wikipedia)

Influenza A Virus Vaccine Development Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco provides high-quality sugar-related Vaccine Development Services to clients. HA, NA, and nucleoprotein (NP) are the three major antigens of influenza viruses and play a vital role in the virus life cycle. Their recombinant proteins are widely used in several fields. We establish advanced experimental platforms for the design, production, and evaluation of HA and NA Recombinant Glycoprotein Vaccines, etc.

Vaccines made from genetically engineered protein antigens can be used to replace subunit vaccines produced by conventional methods. More importantly, it can be used in vaccine research for viruses that cannot be easily cultured. These vaccines are safe. Its immunogenicity can be further enhanced by the use of Adjuvants. We express HA and NA proteins in a variety of systems, such as Yeast Systems, Mammals, insect cells, etc. After protein expression, we purify and characterize them. We optimize the purification methods for HA and NA. The optimized purification method is convenient and fast, which is suitable for vaccine production. We have a comprehensive vaccine evaluation system. The safety and immunology of the vaccine can be tested after purification.

We also construct different forms of HA and NA recombinant proteins using HA or NA as target antigens. Then we compare and screen the best forms of protein vaccines based on HA and NA.

Fig.2 The process of vaccine development. (CD BioGlyco) Fig.2 The process of vaccine development. (CD BioGlyco)


Technology: Gene Editing Technology

Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

IF: 11.205

Published: 2020

Results: In this study, chimeric HA vaccines against several influenza A viruses were prepared. Their immune prototypes were tested by mouse experiments. The results showed that the chimeric H5/1 vaccine induced stronger CD8+ cell responses compared with the exchange H5/1 vaccine. The immunogenicity of chimeric H5/1 vaccines with different glycosylation status was also investigated in this study. The results showed that monoglycosylated cHA (cHA mg) induced better antibody responses compared with fully glycosylated cHA vaccine.

Fig.3 Construction of chimeric vaccines and vaccination-induced antibody testing. (Liao, et al., 2020) Fig.3 Construction of chimeric vaccines and vaccination-induced antibody testing. (Liao, et al., 2020)


  • HA and NA are among the important antigens on the surface of influenza viruses. Our Influenza A virus vaccine development service includes the production of recombinant NA and HA. Recombinant NA and HA play an important role in antibody development.
  • Our Influenza A virus vaccine development service includes the production of recombinant HA proteins with high expression and hemagglutination activity, enabling the development of vaccines with enhanced immunogenicity and safety. This provides some support for the development of influenza protein vaccines.
  • Our Influenza A virus vaccine development service includes the production of recombinant NA and HA. Recombinant NA and HA play an important role in antiviral drug development and the development of virus-related detection reagents.


  • We have a strong impurity removal capability to maximize the yield of upstream glycoproteins and the recovery of downstream products.
  • Our genetically engineered recombinant glycoprotein vaccines are safer and more reliable than traditional vaccines.
  • We provide one-stop vaccine development services, including a full range of experiments from process development, production, and animal testing to safety assessment.

CD BioGlyco, a leading global biologic company, has a high level of competence in the development of sugar-related vaccines. Our diverse R&D and technical capabilities will help you accelerate progress in the development of sugar-related vaccines. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information on vaccine development. We will be the first to address all your questions about glycoprotein vaccine development.


  1. From Wikipedia:
  2. Liao, H.Y.; et al. Chimeric hemagglutinin vaccine elicits broadly protective CD4 and CD8 T cell responses against multiple influenza strains and subtypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020, 117(30): 17757-17763.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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