Bunyaviridae Virus Vaccine Development Service

Bunyaviridae Virus Vaccine Development Service

We Are the Best Choices

Bunyaviridae virus contains two mature proteins, Gn and Gc, on its surface. They are important surface proteins that induce the fusion of the Bunyaviridae virus with the cell membrane and the production of neutralizing antibodies. They are found to play a vital role in virus infection. Gn and Gc are the only targets of neutralizing antibodies. Currently, there are no effective antiviral drugs against this virus. The research of a vaccine is of great importance for the prevention of Bunyaviridae virus infection. Gn and Gc are ideal subunit vaccine antigens. CD BioGlyco possesses several core vaccine technologies and we offer Recombinant Subunit Vaccine services based on glycoproteins Gn and Gc.

Fig.1 Process of Bunyaviridae virus vaccine development. (CD BioGlyco) Fig.1 Process of Bunyaviridae virus vaccine development. (CD BioGlyco)

We compare the sequences of the glycoproteins Gn and Gc and then clone the cDNA sequences into expression vectors. We recombinantly express Gn and Gc in Escherichia coli expression systems and eukaryotic expression systems, respectively. In order to expand the yield of Gn and Gc, we also study the optimal induction temperature and optimal expression time of recombinant proteins.

  • E. coli expression system

E. coli is widely used as an expression host for recombinant heterologous proteins because of its high expression capacity, short cycle time, and many other advantageous features.

The eukaryotic expression system has many advantages, including protein processing, protein folding, suitable for large-scale production, the product can be assembled, and so on.

After the production of the recombinant protein, we complete in vitro and in vivo safety and immunogenicity assays to evaluate the vaccine. The types of assays we perform are varied. Serum antibody levels, cell proliferation, inflammatory factors, etc., can all be tested.


  • Gn and Gc can be used as inducers to induce neutralizing antibody production. Our Bunyaviridae virus vaccine development service includes the production of recombinant Gn and Gc, which can be used for the production of specific neutralizing antibodies.
  • Our Bunyaviridae Virus vaccine development has also been used to study the immunization effects of subunit vaccines in combination with other vaccines.

Highlights of Us

  • We provide a perfect service for vaccine development with our broad product portfolio, advanced R&D, and manufacturing capabilities.
  • We have a wide variety of recombinant protein expression systems, including mammalian and E. coli, which enable us to produce high-quality recombinant proteins.

CD BioGlyco has strong R&D and innovation capabilities. Our sugar-related Vaccine Development Platform is supported by world-leading facility resources. We aim to provide efficient and quality vaccine development services to our clients. In addition to the Bunyaviridae virus, we also provide vaccine development services for the Metapneumo Virus, Newcastle (NDV) Virus., etc. Please feel free to contact us with your needs. We will complete all experiments from design, production, to efficacy evaluation.


  1. Hofmann, H.; et al. Severe fever with thrombocytopenia virus glycoproteins are targeted by neutralizing antibodies and can use DC-SIGN as a receptor for pH-dependent entry into human and animal cell lines. J Virol. 2013, 87(8): 4384-4394.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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