Leishmania Parasites Repeating Phosphodisaccharide Production Service

Leishmania Parasites Repeating Phosphodisaccharide Production Service

Multiple Antigens in Leishmania Parasites

Various species of Leishmania cause leishmaniasis, which is transmitted through the bites of sandflies. The surface of Leishmania parasites is covered with multiple proteins and glycoproteins, including gp63, lipophosphoglycan (LPG), and promastigote surface antigen (PSA). Leishmania utilizes multiple receptor-mediated entry pathways to enter the host. GP63 is highly expressed in promastigotes and converts C3 opsonin to C3b (the natural ligand of the first complement receptor (CR1)). GP63 also binds fibronectin, bridging the parasite to the fibronectin receptors (FnRs). Mannose receptor (MR) identifies terminal sugar residues on LPG. LPG expression on amastigotes is not as strong as on promastigotes, allowing barely expressed GP63 to access the C3 protein and subsequently the third complement receptor (CR3). Antibody and fibronectin detection of amastigotes results in the ligation of Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) and FnR, respectively.

Fig.1 Receptors for Leishmania entry into host phagocytes. (Ueno & Wilson, 2012) Fig.1 Receptors for Leishmania entry into host phagocytes. (Ueno & Wilson, 2012)

Leishmania Parasites Repeating Phosphodisaccharide Production Services at CD BioGlyco

LPG is a complex glycolipid molecule Leishmania parasite surface-based, and the Leishmania parasite repeating phosphodisaccharide is a specific phosphodisaccharide unit that appears repeatedly in the LPG molecule. CD BioGlyco provides specialized Leishmania parasite repeating phosphodisaccharide production services to support vaccine research.

  • Synthesis services

CD BioGlyco uses chemical synthesis methods to synthesize the repeated phosphodisaccharides of Leishmania parasites. The phosphodisaccharide units are connected to adjacent sugar units (such as glucose, mannose, and galactose) through glycosidic bonds or phosphodisaccharide bonds to form a chain structure. Phosphate groups confer specific chemical properties and biological activities to these polysaccharide molecules, affecting their function and interactions in biological systems.

  • Purification and separation services

CD BioGlyco uses various chromatography techniques (such as gel chromatography, and high-performance liquid chromatography) to separate and purify the synthesized repeating phosphodisaccharides to obtain high-purity target products.

  • Structural verification services

CD BioGlyco uses advanced analytical techniques to conduct structural verification of the synthesized repeating phosphodisaccharides, which helps confirm that the products provided meet the target requirements.

  • Customized production

CD BioGlyco provides production for Leishmania parasite repeating phosphodisaccharides of different lengths, modification methods, and structures according to client needs. We flexibly adjust synthesis strategies to meet specific requirements.

  • Vaccine candidate evaluation services

CD BioGlyco evaluates the immunogenicity and protective effects of synthetic repeating phosphodisaccharides in animal models or in vitro experiments, which facilitates the screening of vaccine candidates and further advances the development of vaccines. Moreover, we have established the world's leading Glyco™ Vaccine Development Platform, and provide vaccine development services based on Leishmania parasites repeating phosphodisaccharide.

Fig.2 Leishmania parasites repeating phosphodisaccharide production services. (CD BioGlyco) Fig.2 Leishmania parasites repeating phosphodisaccharide production services. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Immunological: Leishmania parasite repeating disaccharide phosphates are key molecules that interact with the host immune system. By studying the interaction of phosphodisaccharides with host immune cells, insights into the mechanisms of immune response to parasitic infections are gained.
  • Vaccine development: Disaccharide phosphate is used as a candidate vaccine antigen to trigger an immune response to protect against Leishmania infection.
  • Drug R&D: Repeated phosphodisaccharides are used as targets and evaluation indicators for drug development. By studying inhibitors or interventions targeting these phosphodisaccharides, new therapeutic strategies and drugs are explored.


  • High-purity products: CD BioGlyco provides high-purity Leishmania parasite repeating phosphodisaccharides through advanced purification technology and quality control processes.
  • Large-scale production capability: CD BioGlyco has the equipment and capabilities to produce Leishmania parasite repeating phosphodisaccharide on a large scale, which meets the large-volume needs of clients.
  • Fast delivery capabilities: CD BioGlyco ensures on-time delivery of required products, reducing waiting time and uncertainty.

CD BioGlyco has a professional technical team engaged in the production of Leishmania parasites repeating phosphodisaccharides, which provide efficient and high-quality phosphodisaccharides for vaccine development. Please feel free to contact us quickly if you would like to acquire detailed information.


  1. Nikolaev, A.V.; Sizova, O.V. Synthetic neoglycoconjugates of cell-surface phosphoglycans of Leishmania as potential anti-parasite carbohydrate vaccines. Biochemistry. Biokhimiia. 2011, 76(7): 761.
  2. Ueno, N.; Wilson, M.E.Receptor-mediated phagocytosis of Leishmania: Implications for intracellular survival. Trends in Parasitology. 2012, 28(8): 335.
  3. Seow, E.S.; et al. C-reactive protein binds to short phosphoglycan repeats of Leishmania secreted proteophosphoglycans and activates complement. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023, 14.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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